Veranstaltungsplan IO − Exchange Students WR (Mercuri)
Woche: 13. - 19.01.2025
  Mo, 13.01. Di, 14.01. Mi, 15.01. Do, 16.01. Fr, 17.01. Sa, 18.01. 
8:00                 8:00 
9:00                   9:00 
9:45 - 11:15 Uhr
V Organisational Behaviour
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
10:00               10:00 - 15:00 Uhr
S International Digital Economy (AIM1+2) (MIM)
Prof. Dr. Hofmann G.R.
Hörsaal 06-104
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS [1]
11:00                   11:00 
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
V Organisational Behaviour
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
12:00                   12:00 
13:00                  13:00 
14:00                  14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
V Organisational Behaviour
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
15:00                  15:00 
15:45 - 17:15 Uhr
V Organisational Behaviour
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
16:00  16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
   16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 1
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
V Marketing Research and Data-Mining
Hörsaal 20-116, Online
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
   16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2
Seminarraum 02-206
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
   16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 1
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
V Marketing Research and Data-Mining
Hörsaal 20-116, Online
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS
17:00                   17:00 
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V Engineering English
Prof. Dr. Krauße
Sprachlabor 20-215
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
Hörsaal 41-E06
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [2]
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe
 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1
Hörsaal 41-105
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [3]
18:00               18:00 
19:00                 19:00 
[1] Final presentation
[2] Lecture for the date of the last week
[3] Veranstaltung findet nicht statt. NHT 22.01./ Lecture dosen´t take place. Make up date 22.01.
Datum Uhrzeit Veranstaltung Änderung
Mo, 13.01. 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2 Neu.
Mo, 13.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V Engineering English C\Sprachlabor 20-215, Double Degree - Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Double Degree - Double Degree Turku, ESTA WiSe, IO - Exchange Students WR (Mercuri) WS 2024 - 1. Semester, Krauße, Sylvana, Prof. Dr., Wahlfächer Sprachen - Sprachen_WiSe neu.
Mo, 13.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2 Neu.
Mi, 15.01. 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2 Verlegt auf Mi, 15.01., 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr. Masterstudiengang_WR_Ws2024/25 WS 2024/25 - 1. Semester_WR entfällt. Masterstudiengang_MIM_(Int.Man.)_Ws2024/25 WS 2024/25 - 1. Semester_Master_MIM neu.
Mi, 15.01. 15:45 - 17:15 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2 Entfällt.
Do, 16.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1 C\Hörsaal 42-106 entfällt. C\Hörsaal 41-105 neu.
Do, 16.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2 C\Hörsaal 42-E06, Hoffmann, Sybilla entfallen.
Erstellt mit sked campus ~~~ Veranstaltungsplan >> HTML ~~~ 13.01.2025, 0:00 Uhr bis 24.01.2025, 24:00 Uhr ~~~ Stand: 18.01.2025, 13:45 Uhr
Veranstaltungsplan IO − Exchange Students WR (Mercuri)
Woche: 20. - 24.01.2025
  Mo, 20.01. Di, 21.01. Mi, 22.01. Do, 23.01. Fr, 24.01. Sa, 25.01. 
8:00                   8:00 
9:00               9:00 
10:00               10:00 
11:00               11:00 
12:00               12:00 
13:00               13:00 
14:00        14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2
Hörsaal C2-225 (IW)
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
   14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
V Marketing Research and Data-Mining
Prof. Dr. Bertels
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, 2. Sem._Master_MIM, IO_WS [1]
15:00                15:00 
16:00     16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 1
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
     16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 1
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., 1. Sem__Master_MIM, DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe [2]
17:00                   17:00 
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V Engineering English
Prof. Dr. Krauße
Sprachlabor 20-215
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [3]
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe
17:30 - 19:00 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [4]
17:45 - 19:15 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1
Hörsaal 42-106
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [5]
17:45 - 19:15 Uhr
V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2
Hörsaal 42-E06
1. Sem., DD Turku, ESTA WiSe, IAS WiSe Englisch, IO_WS, Sprachen_WiSe [5]
18:00                18:00 
19:00               19:00 
[1] Exam preparation
[2] 8669 Prüfung
[3] NHT für 09.01.25
[4] Nachholtermin für 16.01./ Make up date for 16.01.
[5] 8668 Prüfung
Datum Uhrzeit Veranstaltung Änderung
Mo, 20.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V Engineering English C\Sprachlabor 20-215, Double Degree - Double Degree Seinäjoki WiSe, Double Degree - Double Degree Turku, ESTA WiSe, IO - Exchange Students WR (Mercuri) WS 2024 - 1. Semester, Krauße, Sylvana, Prof. Dr., Wahlfächer Sprachen - Sprachen_WiSe neu.
Mo, 20.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2 Neu.
Mi, 22.01. 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language II Gruppe 2 Masterstudiengang_WR_Ws2024/25 WS 2024/25 - 1. Semester_WR entfällt. Masterstudiengang_MIM_(Int.Man.)_Ws2024/25 WS 2024/25 - 1. Semester_Master_MIM neu.
Mi, 22.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2 Neu.
Do, 23.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.1 Verlegt auf Do, 23.01., 17:45 - 19:15 Uhr.
Do, 23.01. 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr V German as a Foreign Language I Gr.2 Verlegt auf Do, 23.01., 17:45 - 19:15 Uhr.
Erstellt mit sked campus ~~~ Veranstaltungsplan >> HTML ~~~ 13.01.2025, 0:00 Uhr bis 24.01.2025, 24:00 Uhr ~~~ Stand: 18.01.2025, 13:45 Uhr