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Study life and campus

Campus-Wiese und Gebäude 20 am Campus 1 Hochschulgebäude der Technischen Hochschule Aschaffenburg, umgeben von Grünanlagen an einem sonnigen Tag.

Academic calendar

  • Summer semester 2024

    15 March Start of the summer semester 2024, start of lectures
    27 June Start of the exam period for re-examination (Faculty of Engineering)
    4 July Start of the exam period for electives
    10 July End of lectures
    8 – 25 July Exam period (Saturdays are also exam days)
    From mid-August Publication of the grades (online)
    14 September End of the summer semester


    Days without lectures

    28 March – 2 April Easter
    9 May Ascension Day
    17 – 21 May Pentecost
    30 May Corpus Christi
  • Winter semester 2024/2025

    01 October - 02 October Start of the winter semester 24/25
    Introductory event for first semester students
    03 October Start of lectures
    30 October - 10 November Exam registration period
    13 January Start of exam period for re-examination summer semester (faculty of engineering)
    13 January - 13 February Period to re-register for the summer semester 2025
    20 January - 07 February Exam period (including Saturdays)
    25 January End of lectures
    March 2025 Publication of the grades (online)
    14 March End of winter semester
    Days without lectures
    03 October German Unification Day
    01 November All Saints Day
    23 December - 06 January Christmas holidays

Campus and buildings

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences offers its students a highly attractive campus with high-tech equipment housed in historical as well as modern buildings. Visitors are inspired by this mix of old and new. The green campus is located in the immediate vicinity of the town at Würzburger Straße 45.

Insert quote here (as content element): and is characterised by its personal atmosphere.

"Aschaffenburg UAS has a really nice campus. In the centre there is a large lawn, which is like the heart of the school, where we meet in summer to study or just to sit together. The atmosphere is homey, friendly and familiar." Student at the university

Canteen and cafeteria

The canteen offers a choice of three meals daily. Always included: a vegetarian option, various side dishes and desserts. In good weather, students enjoy the sun in the outdoor area. Coffee, snacks and breakfast are available in the cafeteria. Both facilities together offer space for 200 people. The Aschaffenburg UAS canteen is located in the middle of the green campus, directly on the campus lawn, and can be quickly reached for the lunch break.

University library

Students will find all the information they need for their studies in the modern university library. 

Services include:

  • Individual advice
  • Trainings
  • Access to specialist databases
  • Click-and-collect offer
  • Possibility of interlibrary loan
  • Support with research, use and further processing of information

The AUAS library offers its users a well-equipped and quiet learning environment. It encourages access to scientific information and lifelong learning. It is open to all interested parties.

Follow the university library on Twitter.

Where to live

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences  has two modern halls of residence with around 270 places. Students can live here at affordable prices: either in single rooms in shared flats or in comfortable apartments. The halls of residence are located in Bessenbacher Weg and Schoberstraße. They are run by the Würzburg student services.

The hall of residence at Bessenbacher Weg 10 is located on campus. The student residence at Schoberstraße 4/6 and Medicusstraße 14 is only a 6-minute walk away. Three of the apartments are suitable for wheelchairs.

In addition, there are other housing options such as College Living 1 at Mattstraße 4-6 and College Living 2 (Zum Schreibersgraben 2-4).

More information about the halls of residence.

University sports

The range of sports offered at Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences is ideal for finding a balance to the stresses and strains of studying and working. It offers a colourful mix of favourites, health-oriented courses and trend sports. Experienced exercise instructors run the courses.

All students and full-time employees of the AUAS can use the sports facilities free of charge and without having to register first. Enjoy the university’s great sports programme!

Student organisations

  • Student council

    The student council organises many different events.

    • Parties (Profs DJ, Opening Party, Ghetto/Summer Party, Pub Crawl)
    • Sports events (university league, volleyball tournament, soccer tournament)
    • International events (International Evening)
    • Internal excursions and meetings (1st of May hike, Christmas party, summer party, SV trip)

    Students can take on smaller tasks or have more responsibility. At bi-weekly meetings, the student council plans upcoming events or makes important decisions regarding the problems and wishes the students may have. The student council also functions as the mouthpiece of the students. It is in close contact with the AUAS and the student convention.

    More info at:

    • Website:
    • E-mail: fhz(at)
    • Instagram: studentenvertretung_ab
  • Rolling students

    "Rolling students" has about 170 members. Its aim is to promote student life at the Aschaffenburg UAS and in the town of Aschaffenburg.

    For more information, see:

  • Economics

    "Economics" sees itself as a link between university and business. Members participate in and organise excursions, exciting lectures and events.

    In this way, they establish first contacts with future employers and apply what they have learned in practice. Members can co-organise the annual "Campus Careers" fair.

  • Students meet Real Estate

    "Students meet Real Estate e. V." (SMRE) aims to promote contact between students and companies in the real estate industry. To this end, it maintains a useful and sustainable network. Members attend expert lectures or visit interesting real estate locations. SMRE thus enables them to establish contacts with companies and professionals from the sector. A newsletter provides information about interesting topics and news. There is also an alumni network. SMRE also advertises job opportunities and trainee programmes.

    Contact, information and latest news:

    • E-mail:
    • Instagram: smre_ab
    • Facebook: StudentsMeetRealEstate
  • CampusLeben (newspaper)

    "CampusLeben" (CampusLife) is the university's own newspaper. Students write articles for students. The authors fill sections such as Campusnews or Campuscommunity with life. They write about topics that are worth knowing about and include amusing stories as well. The newspaper is published once a semester a few weeks before the exam period.

    Everyone is welcome at CampusLeben, no matter which degree programme or semester. The student newspaper is not only looking for contributors, but also people for the graphics department and photography. Students interested in marketing, financial management or project management can also get involved. Experience is not essential.

    • Instagram: campus_life_ab/
    • E-mail:
  • Political involvement

    Anyone who would like to get politically involved at Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences can stand for election to the student convention. Decisions by the student convention have already been able to improve student life in the past. Examples of this are the adoption of new study programmes, the optimisation of lecture structures or the introduction of learning rooms during the examination phase.

    The student convention consists of the senate, faculty council WR, Faculty council IWIN and the directly elected members of the convention. The entire student body holds elections once a year.